We are moving items from this site to our new site. So please be aware that some items may not be available to purchase on our other site yet. We are trying to transfer available items as soon as possible.
All items ON OUR SITE ARE up to 90% off RRP
Welcome to 20 and Under Store, your go-to online destination for variety clearance items. Our store offers a wide range of products to cater to diverse needs. We procure our products from reliable sources such as liquidators, wholesalers, store clearance sales, shelf pulled items, end of line products, and clearance sales. Rest assured, all our items are brand new, although they may have store stickers, light scuffs, or marks that do not impact their quality.
Make sure to visit our sister site, www.qldvarietywholesale.com.au, where you can explore a wide range of products without the need for an ABN (Australian Business Number) or any minimum order quantity.